Thursday, July 7, 2011

Come on, Mom!

We had a great 4th of July weekend! Saturday we did a bunch of work around the house before it got HOT! Noah went to Bubby's to spend the night while I went to play Bunco at our friend Heather's. It was a very fun "unorganized" game of Bunco. Sunday - Dave, Noah and I drove to Hetch Hetchy in Yosemite and hiked the Wapama Falls trail (5.5 miles round trip). This was our second time hiking to the falls (much easier this time). Due to the late snow fall this year the bridges were covered with rushing water. So we weren't allowed to make it to the actual Wapama Falls but you do pass two smaller falls on the way. Noah is standing in front of one of the smaller falls in the picture above. We were able to see a Mama Bear and two cubs, deer, squirrel, and tons of butterfly's. As we were walking along the trail I stopped to take a drink and Noah said Come on, Mom. I don't know why but the way he said it and how he looked at me made me start to cry. If I could bottle up that moment I would ;) I turned around and acted like I was taking a picture of something so he wouldn't see me. Even as I type this now it makes me emotional to think of that moment. I guess in retrospect it was because we were having a "great day". There were times over the last two years that I couldn't think about great days. I use to appreciate the days and I still do but now I really appreciate the moments..... We hope everyone had a great 4th of July and are able to appreciate moments with their families too!

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